a care home to test before every visit. the hospitals we are recommending that no more than two people will visit a patient at any one time one time and again we are recommending a lateral flow test before recommending a lateral flow test before each visit. finally, i fully understand that omicron will be especially concerning the people on the highest risk list and therefore i want the highest risk list and therefore i want to the highest risk list and therefore i want to give assurances to all of you that i want to give assurances to all of you that the chief medical officer will be you that the chief medical officer will be writing to you shortly with further will be writing to you shortly with further advice on assurance. this is not the further advice on assurance. this is not the update i wanted to be giving a few not the update i wanted to be giving a few days not the update i wanted to be giving a few days before christmas and i am painfully a few days befo
between countries that have different vaccination access and even different vaccines we may see different penetration for this delta variant. it s important that people do take personal responsibility and say if i m going to travel between states, between counties or between countries, i understand where i m going and where i m coming from, and what that risk poses to those that i m coming back to. dr. derek cass, shaq brewster, gabe gutierrez we appreciate you being with us on what is turning out to be a busy monday morning. we have a lot of other things to get, to including what we re just learning today about a trillion-dollar infrastructure deal, with democrats sending over a new counter offer as of this morning. we take you back live to the hill. plus, donald trump s inaugural chairman in court less than two hours from now. his first appearance on federal charges. how tom barrack s case could impact other investigations into trump world and the biggest star of u.s. swimming,