his p psition seem songer than that of the docratic party. he stays arou 50. theytay aroundwheve congress is about 20, the party itlf abo 40. that interesting to me and probly as implication i m not sure what theare. hat are the implications bob? there is a big differee there. at the risk offending peggy, the fst thing i want to see is i tnk the arcf this presidency will be a lot like the arc of rald reagan in 1982, people still liked him, a terrible jobproval rating, down to 35%. ashe economy got better, t docrats who salivat toun against him 14 found out how wrong they wer i think what a ha done he other thing jonhan has ritten he acally took a lesson from rond reagan, go early and go big. get the big changes dne no matter how ha the are and ride theconomic recovery up. i thin in the end 2012 isnot going to be a good year fo republicans.