onlyly pay for w what you nen. with thehe money we e saved, onlyly pay for w what you nen. we t tried electctric unicycy. i think i i ve got it!t! doggy-paddddle! only payay for what t you ne. libererty. libertrty. liberty. l liberty. why give y your fafamily just t any eggs when t they can enjoy the e best? eggland d s best. the e only eggs s with moree fresh h and delicicious tast. plusus, superioror nutritio. whicich is now m more imimportant ththan ever. only e eggland s b best. you didn t t live thisis st, thisis long to g get put on thehe shelf like a a porcelainin doll. you didn t t live thisis st, thisis long to g get put but t one out ofof two women over 5 50 will sufuffer a fracacture from oststeoporosis.s. you u should knonow you can n d new bone with evevenity®® for popostmenopaususal women with oststeoporosiss atat high risksk for fractct. ask k your doctotor if you canan do more atat high risksk for fractct. ththan just slslowing downn bone l loss with e evenity®.