Situations can inch up stealthily, creeping up so insidiously that we cannot pinpoint the moment when an aberration became the norm.Allow me to return to the realm of cricket to illustrate what I
“Kill everyone!” was the instruction Dole Chadee gave Joey Ramiah, who then murdered four members of a single family.How could people be so heartless and cold-blooded? It was a long time in co
We are at the end of 2022. What will 2023 bring us?The recent past has worn us down, making us more apprehensive about the future. The pervasive uncertainty drains our optimism, making us more gua
Stephen R Covey, the American author of ‘First Things First,’ said: ‘We are free to choose our actions. but we are not free to choose the consequences of these actions.’ As a nation, we n
Stephen R Covey, the American author of First Things First, said: ‘We are free to choose our actions. but we are not free to choose the consequences of these actions.’ As a nation, we need to