The DA has retained Ward 47 in Mangaung after a hotly contested by-election on Wednesday (29/11).The by-election follows the resignation of DA Councillor Mokgadi Kganakga to join Rise Msanzi.
Ward 47 Councillor Mokgadi Kganakga has joined Rise Msanzi as its provincial coordinator. The party was launched in April under the leadership of Songezo Zibi, a former associate editor of the .
Former DA Member of Parliament Nomsa Marchesi and Mangaung Ward 47 councillor Mokgadi Kganakga have now joined the newcomers, Rise Msanzi, as both provincial coordinator and convenor. Kganakga and .
A sombre atmosphere descended on the Olifantsvlei Cemetery late on Sunday as the bodies of seven victims of the deadly Johannesburg fire arrived for a mass burial.