KINGSTON, Jamaica Thirty residents of May Pen, Clarendon have completed their job readiness training and are expected to be placed into jobs shortly under Project STAR’s Employment Programme. The residents benefitting from this programme hail from Havana Heights, Race Track and Treadlight in the parish, and represent the first May Pen cohort to be trained. According to Kalamdo Wilmoth, Project STAR’s donor and external relations lead, Project STAR has targeted to.
DESNOES and Geddes (D&G) Foundation has partnered with the Ministry of Education and Youth and Rise Life Management Services to expand its youth alcohol sensitisation advocacy through a two-da.
THE Jamaica Observer has copped the Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU) Media Awards 2022 for Health Education Journalism.
The award was presented to former Observer journalist Brittny Hutchinson.
THE reality of children voicing their fears about being raped is alarming enough but, according to youth advocates, to have said children say unflinchingly that they would commit suicide if they f.
"Kam, kam, kam!" is how 13-year-old Deno Griffiths imitates the piercing sounds of gunshots echoing throughout his Arnett Gardens community in St Andrew anytime of the day.
The gun violence,.