Noah Baumbach Plays Curator for Photographer Tod Papageorge s Santa Monica Exhibit
Danzinger Gallery/Photos by Papageorge
Noah Baumbach curated a selection of Tod Papageorge’s Acropolis photos.
For the show, which runs through May 27 at Santa Monica’s Bergamot Station, Baumbach selected 16 images from the lensman’s Acropolis photo series, shot during the summers of 1983 and 84.
In March 2020, James Danziger launched an exhibition of famed photographer Tod Papageorge s Acropolis photographs at his Danziger Gallery on Fifth Avenue in New York City. The gallerist was excited to mount the show not only because he s a fan of Papageorge an influential figure in photography who served as director of Yale s graduate photography program for more than 30 years but also because it was to be the first exhibition after bringing Papageorge into the Danziger fold from another gallery.