Adding value to home
Published : Jan 20, 2021, 2:32 pm IST
Updated : Jan 20, 2021, 2:32 pm IST
Homemakers are getting increasingly recognised for the unpaid domestic services they render to their families.
What a homemaker does is much beyond what someone does in a 9-5 job. : Iqbal khan, Actor
Hopefully, the Supreme Court’s recent statement that the value of a housewife’s work at home was no less than that of her office-going husband, will now acknowledge and appreciate the invaulable service a homemaker does for her family
While reading out the reparation terms in the case of a couple who died when a car hit their scooter in April 2014 in Delhi, the top court of the country handed an enhanced compensation package to relatives of a couple, stating that it cannot overlook the work that the woman of the house did, just as it couldn’t ignore what the man of the house earned. The decision has fired up a rather well-worn-out discussion around the value of a homemaker