This narrative is based on reports that Witherspoon, a self-described competitive overachiever, became too busy working on her various TV and film projects to spend time with husband Jim Toth.
This narrative is based on reports that Witherspoon, a self-described competitive overachiever, became too busy working on her various TV and film projects to spend time with husband Jim Toth.
This narrative is based on reports that Witherspoon, a self-described competitive overachiever, became too busy working on her various TV and film projects to spend time with husband Jim Toth.
This narrative is based on reports that Witherspoon, a self-described competitive overachiever, became too busy working on her various TV and film projects to spend time with husband Jim Toth.
This narrative is based on reports that Witherspoon, a self-described competitive overachiever, became too busy working on her various TV and film projects to spend time with husband Jim Toth.