RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNG – Get Rating) has been assigned an average recommendation of “Moderate Buy” from the twenty-seven research firms that are currently covering the company, MarketBeat Ratings reports. Seven research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation, five have given a buy recommendation and one has given a strong buy recommendation to […]
Tamar Securities LLC decreased its stake in shares of RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNG – Get Rating) by 1.0% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the SEC. The firm owned 133,337 shares of the software maker’s stock after selling 1,293 shares during the quarter. Tamar Securities LLC owned 0.14% […]
Credit Suisse Group upgraded shares of RingCentral (NYSE:RNG – Get Rating) from a neutral rating to an outperform rating in a research report report published on Thursday, The Fly reports. The brokerage currently has $45.00 price objective on the software maker’s stock, up from their previous price objective of $40.00. RNG has been the topic […]
RingCentral (NYSE:RNG – Get Rating) had its price objective lowered by Robert W. Baird from $45.00 to $32.00 in a research note published on Friday, The Fly reports. A number of other research firms also recently weighed in on RNG. StockNews.com initiated coverage on RingCentral in a report on Thursday, March 16th. They set a […]
The Goldman Sachs Group cut shares of RingCentral (NYSE:RNG – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a neutral rating in a report released on Thursday, The Fly reports. The firm currently has $37.00 target price on the software maker’s stock, down from their previous target price of $52.00. Several other equities research analysts have […]