Be Aware Of the Crimes around You
27 Apr 2021, 01:02 GMT+10
Crime is indeed a social problem, and it produces material consequences producing social and personal harm. For more than a century, police departments and news organizations have worked together to disseminate photos of people after their arrest, often bleary-eyed and despondent, sometimes defiant and smiling. It s a practice as old as the mug shot itself: publicizing an unflattering close-up of a person s face and profile, taken at one of the worst possible moments.
America is welcoming a digital world where having the latest technology is a sign of affluence and sophistication, receiving local and world news from a newspaper, both digital and print, is still a common practice. . In fact, 88 percent of Americans report that they receive their news directly from a news organization; this can include a newspaper, TV newscast, website, or newswire. These findings reinforce the importance of the media to the Amer