Praised by the New York Times as "irresistibly exciting" as well as "sweet, sad, and enchantingly sincere," author Diana Son's critically acclaimed Stop Kiss serves as the latest presentation in the Playcrafters Barn Theatre's Barn Owl Series, its Moline run from June 9 through 18 sure to demonstrate why NY Newsday lauded Son's "unusually real, complicated female characters"
ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (May 9, 2023) A dozen Augustana College seniors are exhibiting their work at Wallenberg Hall at the Rock Island campus as part of the annual senior art show.Each work is accompanied by a statement sharing the artist's perspectives and intentions. The exhibit continues through May 14.
Lauded by Variety magazine as "a biting bureaucratic satire" that "rings truer than ever," legendary Czech playwright Václav Havel's The Memo serves as the final stage production in Augustana College's 2022-23 season, the dark comedy - running May 11 through 14 - centering on the introduction of a new language that is meant to make work more efficient, but has the exact