A new bill introduced in the Colorado Senate last week cautiously wades into a growing debate over community opposition to utility-scale wind and solar projects.
An early version of the legislation ob.
A group representing counties still opposes the legislation and worries it lays the groundwork for a state takeover of the process to consider new wind, solar and transmission projects.
Lately, 15 more states have proposed, or are working on, similar proposals. California is among the most recent of them to take a leap forward; its green amendment should wind up on the ballot for the 2024 general election if it passes both houses. Maya van Rossum, founder of nonprofit Green Amendments For the Generations, launched the movement after winning that legal action years ago in her role at the Delaware Riverkeeper Network.
The electric grid in the United States was built in a time when populations were smaller, climate change was not a concern and cybersecurity wasn’t something people were thinking about. But that is changing and Rikki Seguin, the executive director of Interwest Energy Alliance, said a regional transmission organization is needed to help address challenges […]
New Mexico’s budget relies heavily on oil and gas revenue, but the state also bears the scars of generations of mining and drilling. So when Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, a former law professor and curren