Estonian state real estate management company Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS) has decided to terminate its contract with previous contractor Fund Ehitus and will be organizing a new procurement to find a contractor to complete the construction of the Viljandi Hospital and Health Center.
State real estate company Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS) board chairperson Kati Kusmin has warned Estonia's ministers that the extraordinary situation on the construction market may lead to the disruption of work on many important properties, leaving them to stand half-finished. This, in turn, would increase the risk that Estonia will be required to pay back EU funding allocated from European structural funds for their construction.
While the contract recently signed for the construction of Pelgulinn State High School was two thirds more expensive than estimated last year, the Ministry of Education and Research has confirmed that construction costs increasing will not affect the scheduled completion of three new state schools in Tallinn on time.
Kui terviseametis paar kuud tagasi sada tuhat vaktsiinidoosi hukka läks, süüdistati kuumalainet, mis ajas laos temperatuuri üles. Kui kirjandusmuuseumis mõne nädala eest uputas, nii et arvestatav osa kultuurivarast sai liguda, oli jälle süüdi loodus – seekord enneolematult tugev vihm.