Had a pretty cushy coming in now, life coming up. I didnt know a lot of people who would serve in the military and you talk about the scourge of Sexual Assault in the military you are trying to address, which i think is great. I dont know a lot about the military, so when i hear that senator Barbara Mccaskill added misery seems to have a different approach to your proposed solution, i dont really combat it with a lot of expertise. I was wondering if you could address the contrast. Being that women agree on a lot of things, but we disagree on many things, too. But claire and i agree on a lot more than we disagree. Now we are working hand in glove on the Sexual Assault a College Campus issue. I still think the way the women in the senate work is really special. Women in the senate have a quarterly dinner. Barbara mikulski when she was senator and there was finally too, she said im going to start having a caucus. The two women started having dinner and she kept the tradition up for 20 yea
Domestic and general awareness brave to come forward like that, what would you say to them so that they would be as brave to come forward and tell their stories and step up in fire and empower them . And most important thing they needed to get whatever support they feel they need. Telling someone, telling a trusted person so if they need any kind of support, whether its counseling, health care, whether it anything, guidance, advice, they need to get the support they need and then they should do what they want to do because not every woman is owing to want to report to her school. Not Everyone Wants to report to him for his name. They have to make their own decisions. What i found is when women are empowered another option and when they know the lay of the land in what it will look like and how you fooled your perpetrator accountable, they can make an informed decision and they do pursue cases. It is very empowering this one woman named emma in colombia, nothing was done on her case. Sh
Edmund burke, thomas paine and the birth of the right and left. Applause [applause] ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second installment of our thrilling First Ever National Constitution Center bill of rights book fair. For those of you who are joining us for the first time on cspan let me introduce this great event briefly one more time. Im jeffrey rosen, the president and ceo of the National Constitution center, which, as our audience knows is the only institution in america chartered by congress to disseminate information about the u. S. Constitution on a nonpartisan basis. And this book festival is part of a daylong celebration, today, december 15, bill of rights day which is the 225th 225th anniversary of the proposal of the bill of rights. Of the new Exhibit Opening at the Constitution Center which displays one of the 12 original copies of the bill of rights. And this was one of the copies that George Washington sent to the states on october 2, 1789. Were displaying it with ra
That front. Guest part of the challenge in wrapping this management arms around the challenge is that it has, it is been at this odd quirk of the way it was set up. Is legally prohibited from investigating its own workers misconduct. Investigate your coworkers misconduct. Instead, because of the way that they had anp, argument for doing it this way. All of those have to go to the Inspector General for the department of homeland security. Is the dhs igs who is never had the resources to police the police force as large as cvp, does the rest of dhs and has never been able to devote the resources that they need to investigate corruption. You have seen at least hundreds if not thousands of cases of reported corruption within cvp that is never investigated because of this weird bureaucratic quirk. It is played out in recent years. They are beginning to fix that challenge. The commissioner has made some tweaks to that system to try to allow cvp to be able to investigate its work force workfo
Circle award in nonfiction. All this and more on booktv, television for serious readers. For a complete schedule for today and for this coming weekend, booktv. Org. Next, from the first bill of rights day book festival, yuval eleven discusses his book the great debate edmund burke, thomas paine and the birth of the right and left. [inaudible conversations] [applause] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the second installment of our thrilling, firstever National Constitution center bill of rights book fair. For those of you who are joining us for the first time on cspan let me introduce this great event briefly one more time. Im Jeffrey Rosen the president and ceo of the National Constitution center which, as our audience knows, is the only institution in america chartered by congress to disseminate information about the u. S. Constitution on a nonpartisan basis. And this book festival is part of a daylong celebration today december 15th bill of rights day, which is the 225th anniversary of