The Delhi High Court has imposed Rs. 1 lakh costs on a man who made “Lord Hanuman” a party objector (appellant) to an appeal concerning the dispute of a temple constructed on a private land and.
The Delhi High Court recently imposed costs of ₹1 lakh on a litigant for including Lord Hanuman as a party in a dispute over a temple built on private land.
A $400 million increase in federal funding is available for security in places of worship, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Sunday.
The boost in money comes as concerns rise over threats against Jewish and Muslim communities, fueled in part by the Israel-Hamas war.
This Act of 1991 prohibits conversion of any place of worship and provides for maintenance of the religious character of any place of worship as it existed on August 15, 1947.
The Calcutta High Court has allowed a plea for the usage of musical instruments such as khol , kartal , etc. which was claimed to be an essential religious practice in the shobha yatra during the.