principle, but it s a fight that will go on for a long, long time, because the establishment still has you know, people don t normally quit until they run out of resources, and the establishment has resources to continue the fight. you could argue, are they being successful at co-opting the tea party movement? they re not actually making their case for the governing and security wing of the party. you talking about the establishment. yeah. they are making their case. you still see the neo-con publications and establishment publications make the form for passionate conservativism or big-government conservativism, but big-government republicanism. so they are still advancing the arguments that were advanced during the bush administration. you feel like they re losing right now? yes. the man who knows his conservative movement from when it was just when it was just a small festival, now woodstock for conservatives. when my children were running around cpac. all right
bringing, it is reminiscent of what happened in california with pete wilson in the 1990s. you think that accelerates the democrat party s opportunity to cycle if he s the republican nominee? oh, absolutely. all right. joaquin castro, member of congress, brother of san antonio s mayor. incredible ride-up, first-person account of mr. castro goes to washington. i encourage you to read the entire article. thank you, sir. thank you. trivia time, ronald reagan has headlined both cpac and a show on the las vegas strip. congratulations to today s winner. we ll be right back.
13-hour filibuster on the senate floor, and that helped him edge out marco rubio to win the cpac straw poll. the social conservative wing of the party will be represented a lot more today by some formers and perhaps future presidential candidate, mike huckabee and rick santorum. the last time huckabee had a national platform, the conservatives had to spend days apologizing. he keeps stoking 2016 speculation, heading to iowa next month to keynote an event. his publisher also announced this week he s coming out with a book in the winter of 2015 called god, guns, grits, gravy. winter 2015. about three months before the caucuses. john cornyn, who actually more closely had a harder time escaping a runoff than maybe people thought he would in texas on tuesday. also speaking this hour. collective washington looked to texas where cornyn ended up getting just 59% of the vote, and said the establishment won.
the way the president talks, you d think there s no alternative. we ve got plenty. one more thing for a party struggling to change its demographic destiny, this picture taken by a brookings institution fellow of an almost empty ballroom at a panel on republican outreach into minority communities, should be a bit of a warning. you don t want to play into your party s stereotypes, and the cpac panels on immigration were well informed, respectful, and representative of diverse views, and also attended by just about 50 people. joining me now to talk a little cpac is craig shirley, bestselling reagan biography. good morning to you. thank you, chuck. i want to talk about the history of cpac. you and i remember the days of when cpac was small, conclave. you go back farther than me. doing press releases on stone tablets. there you go. and it was something the establishment ignored, and it truly was anti-establishment in a positive way.
services were way up, adding 79,000 jobs. food services were up 21,000. and construction was up 15,000. retail was down. losing about 4,000 jobs. the information industry was also down, losing 16,000. we re going to check back in after the markets open to see how wall street s reacting to these somewhat better-than-expected figures. now, let s get to my first reads of the morning. you re looking at live pictures now of cpac where texas governor rick perry has just started to speak. it s the largest annual gathering of conservative activists these days. they will plot strategy for 2014 and 2016, and hear from two wings of the republican party that are still locked in a bitter fight over the party s future. one cpac session this year is titled can libertarians and social conservatives ever get along? and today, one of the libertarians, kentucky senator rand paul, will be speaking, almost exactly a year after he set the right on fire with the