weather advisories and associate that with snow. this is going to be a potential ice event. that s why they are closing schools. real quick, what are your names and where are you from. lisa stone, texas. perry stone. janice: you are dressed appropriately for a winter storm. yes. janice: thank you for watching fox & friends. that s right. bye. steve: very good. it s coming. thanks, janice, the finger made a splash with his pro-trump jacket. not apologizing for it his name is ricky rebel and he is going to join us live. brian: what are voters in el paso saying about president trump and beto o rourke s duldueling rallies? todd piro is there having breakfast with friends. take me home
those are trump supporters that are supporting those outfits. heather: i haven t heard of ricky rebel before. he has toured with britney spears and michael jackson reportedly discovered him. heather: we were discussing the opening act, subtle hints in there that we missed? i totally missed it, if you blink you missed it type thing, opening act celebrating latin music and jay balvin sitting in a bench and holding a newspaper that says build bridges not walls. also featured camilla cabello and ricky martin. heather: reminded me ofwet side story. that s what it was supposed to be like. heather: they accomplished that. big surprise guest. michelle obama surprised everybody by coming out with other celebrities, here is what she had to say.
heather: welcome back to fox & friends first , a new fashion trend popping up at the grammy s make america great again, singers joey villa proudly showing up protrump outfits before the show, carley shimkus with fox news headlines 24/7, siriusxm 115 here with the overwhelming support for the conservative catoure. interesting. carley: outfit had two layers, you can see brick and you see build the wall on the back and ricky rebel, a glam rock artist and he says a jacket that says keep america great on it and trump 2020, that s the first look that sort of puts joe villa