i m sorrr for everything everythingaaron has eceived meesages...and negative facebook feedbackhis attorney - arren brown - said this about parsons ((10:07))aaron has no criminal record whatssever arron is a grrddate of a finn catholicc institution here he s worked 2 s jobspolice held a news conference thissevening. afttr we firsttaired the video on april second. police started receiving tips 3iq: as eerly as april 3rdoq: based on the good quality that was posted 3 see the whhle interview with parsons.gg to fox-baltimore dot com slashhraw news.all of the tories on our website are free police aae searching for 3 other suspects seen in the has been key in helping them - iddntify the main suspect. aaron parsons who threw a knockkut punch.and they re hoping you can help them find these three suspects. bbeaking news./ p from./ anne arundel county.// county.//there s./ been. .a.. poliie involved shoooing./ in odenton../// say. it happened ./ aftee..they were &pcalled./ to. a. domest
video../.speaks to s./ to policen./ - hello,. i. jeff bband barrdand i m kaaee parksa major new development tonight in a story you saw firrt on fox. interview..shortly before - turning himself in to police.. alleged attackerr aaron paasons caam to fox44 with his attorney to tell his side of the story. he says..he didn t know otherssinvolved in this attack...he admits to drinking ..and realizes he may have hit the victim...but says...he did ii in self defenne..hh also wanted to make one message ery clear 3 (14:39:)stuff goes on in baltiiore but something such &pon baltimore and im sorry for the whole video. everything i m sorrr for everything everythingaaron has eceived meesages...and negative facebook feedbackhis attorney - arren brown - said this about parsons ((10:07))aaron has no criminal record whatssever arron is a grrddate of a finn catholicc institution here he s worked 2 s jobspolice held a news conference thissevening. afttr we firsttaired the video on april second