Fairness in the judicial system? Not if the Florida Supreme Court has its way. The Court has banned all training on "fairness and diversity" from fulfilling judicial ethics requirements, another way in which Florida is equating a colorblind society with one that simply ignores racism.
Fairness in the judicial system? Not if the Florida Supreme Court has its way. The Court has banned all training on "fairness and diversity" from fulfilling judicial ethics requirements, another way in which Florida is equating a colorblind society with one that simply ignores racism.
What the Florida Supreme Court did Tuesday was Justice Jorge Labarga’s garment-rending dissent notwithstanding a minor thing. A minor thing that was also prudent and well overdue, perhaps, but in.
The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday deleted part of a rule that has allowed judges to take courses in “fairness and diversity” to meet a continuing education requirement.