drunk driver convicted in the death of three teenagers has his sentence reduced. a metro bus driver is arrested and a passenger sent to the hospital. should last call in d.c. it be later? live and in hd, this is abc 7 breaking news. we begin with breaking news of a dog attack in d.c. this happened about an hour ago in northeast. witnesses say that too large white dog came out of nowhere and jumped out at some neighborhood children. all the kids were playing outside. some adults were outside. they just started attacking. a neighbor came to help the children and he was attacked by the dogs. that man was taken off to a local hospital. the dogs are still on the list. we will bring you the latest. more resignations tonight as the secret service scandal deepened and the director of the agency makes a visit to the white house. the investigation is growing the white house says president obama was briefed in the oval office by mark sullivan this afternoon. authorities are us