April 21, 2021 By Mike Kruzman / news@whmi.com
The City of Brighton has awarded a contract for a much anticipated, multi-million dollar road project.
Brighton City Council has approved the Northwest Neighborhood Road Reconstruction Project contract to Dunigan Brothers. DPW Director Marcel Goch said they had 6 submissions come in, with Dunigan being the low bidder.
The resolution awards Dunigan Bros. Inc. $6,656,722.37, with a 15% contingency, for a total of $7,655,230.
The City recently contracted with Dunigan for the Rickett Road Phase 1 project.
City Manager Nate Geinzer said it was a team effort to get to this point and they are proud of all the work staff has put in.
April 12, 2021 By Mike Kruzman / news@whmi.com
Two cemeteries in the City of Brighton have begun to see improvements, with more to follow.
Renovations are currently underway at the Brighton Hills and Fairview cemeteries, which are located across the street from each other on Flint Road. City Council recently approved funding that will allow for the repaving of the driveways in each. To save money, the City will be using some of the millings from the Rickett Road Phase 2 project for the roadways and customer parking lot. Driveway work is expected to take place this summer.
Meanwhile, DPW crews continue to work on the grounds. Overgrown areas around the perimeter have been trimmed back for a more aesthetic appeal which also allows vehicles more space for parking. In one portion, a tree line was pushed back 15 feet, and another section has seen the grounds and headstones leveled and straightened. A customer parking area has also been installed in fr