NEWFANE—For a Selectboard to truly represent all the citizens of a town there needs to be a diversity of members. That is why we support Cristine White for the Selectboard in Newfane.Cris has been reaching out to residents with differing opinions and ideas to find common ground and establish a .
The redistricting process began in earnest Friday for the City of Tulsa.
The five-member Election District Commission charged with redrawing city council districts based on the 2020 census met for the first time. The commission is made up of two Republicans, John Eagleton and Rick Westcott; two Democrats, Sharon King Davis and Joe Williams; and one independent, Susan Neal. Eagleton, Neal, Westcott and Williams are former city councilors.
Census data won’t be available for another five weeks, but the commission expects to present plans in mid-September for a three-month public review process before a new map is finalized by the end of the year.