The Salvation Army Elgin Corps kicked off their annual Red Kettle campaign Thursday at Rookie s RocHaus in West Dundee. Money raised during the holidays funds the organization for the entire year.
The Salvation Army Elgin Corps Community Center operates one of the only dedicated home goods pantries in the area. The pantry provides hygiene and cleaning essentials that are not covered by SNAP or WIC to needy area families.
It may only be October, but it s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas at the Salvation Army Elgin Corps. The corps is gearing up for its busiest time of the year both in fundraising and giving.
The CDC and Illinois public health officials are warning.
The CDC and Illinois public health officials are warning against holiday travel this season. Are you still planning to travel or welcome out-of-town guests? If so, what, if any, additional precautions are you taking to protect against COVID-19?
Can some of that Hwy stimulus money please be used to resurface Dundee ave from the 90 interstate exit to downtown. Not everyone wants to go off-road to get to downtown Elgin. It definitely shows lack of pride by our city commissioners.
Thank (2)
I live in a designated odd even parking area. This creates a quality of life issue as I have 3 cars that I must constantly rotate. I would like to begin a process to disband this inconvenience. Where do I begin? Thanks