Atlanta's long-running Music Midtown festival is canceled this year after host Live Nation found it illegal to bar attendees from carrying guns into the venue.
In the final week of a legislative session, committee meetings under the Gold Dome are a lot like magic shows. Bills and resolutions, including some thought to be long dead, come before.
Georgia Floor Action: The House took up the following measures on Legislative Day 37: SR 463 - Joint Study Committee on the Electrification of Transportation; SB 345 - State Government; state and local governments from mandating vaccine passports; prohibit - PASSED 99-67.
The house took up the following measures on Legislative Day 33: SB 211 - Probate Court of Crisp County; office of judge; future elections; provide PASSED. SB 331 Protecting Georgia Businesses and Workers Act; enact PASSED. SB 340 Hospital Authorities and Designated Teaching Hospitals.
Today’s actions included a lot of farewells as members who plan on not running for office or intend to seek other offices gave their goodbye speeches. In the House, Representative Tom.