Dan Glidden — In 1985, I met with my friend Chuck Cole to discuss the possibility of our creating a memorial for U.S. veterans. After several meetings with Pitkin.
Over a hundred people gathered at the Aspen Fire Station Monday for the 22nd annual Day of Remembrance ceremony to remember those who died on September 11, 2001.
Bernard Grauer — The community wildfire discussion at the Aspen firehouse last week failed to answer a resident’s plea for a comprehensive plan. (“Council should provide emergency information.
When it’s time to clean the bay floors, Aspen Fire Department firefighters park the big, red trucks on their driveway, gleaming for passersby to admire. Families stop so their kids can take a picture and.
A crowd of about 100 people gathered in the apparatus bay, with more attending virtually, to learn more about the role of public officials in keeping the community safe, as well as their own responsibilities and opportunities in mitigating wildfire.