Regulating, getting fees, actually having somebody in charge of regulating the industry on january 1, seemed like a good idea. But im not wedded. There is no deal for me. I mean, i was just hoping to get something set up so we could show that we fulfilled the promise of 64. But, you know, if we continue, will we get there . We have legislation in front of us. It is the land use issues that have stuck, that weve gotten stuck on. So why dont we just work on that today . I sat through, you know, i dont know how many hours of both rules and planning. And the rules piece seems like there are changes, but in general, its been pretty people seem fairly comfortable with it. But we wont be able to get to equity if we dont get through this planning piece. I agree with supervisor safai, is there some way we can make sure the pipeline is filled with equity participants . I have no i think we heard talk the first 30, two years, we only take equity applicants. Or three years. I think there is a seve