Protect renters. He put a action in place until may. You see him welcoming the ship mercy. Its docked and ready to help the hospitals. The total number of cases statewide, 3800. That is up 25 from yesterday. Yell, tonight in the bay area, theres more than 1600 cases in the last 30 minutes. Marin county announced the first death. The patient, a man in his 70s who has been hospitalized for three weeks after being exposed on the grand princess. Santa clara county continues to see the most cases. The Santa Clara Convention center is turned in to a makeshift hospital. We need the beds and space to handle the patients. A tv Pool Reporter was allowed inside, damian joining us from san jose. Damian, this is for the people who have been exposed but that are not really that sick, dont have to be in a hospital. That is correct. They are positive for coronavirus, and so, they are there at the Santa Clara Convention center or will be there. It was fascinating and erie at the same time, we are talki