Here are 150 quotes about smiling to put a big smile on your face that everyone will love. These smile quotes will bring happiness and cheer to your life.
-Richard M. DeVos
Pesach (Passover) is among the better known and more celebrated Jewish holidays. However, exactly fifty days after Pesach we celebrate what might perhaps be an even more important and significant holiday, Shavuot. Pesach famously celebrates the liberation of the proto-nation of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Shavuot celebrates the Jewish people’s encounter with God fifty days later at Mount Sinai, where through the process of God’s revelation to us, we received His Torah, His commandments, and took on the covenant that is what truly makes the people of Israel into a Nation.
Shavuot is the only holiday that we have a biblical injunction to count towards. In this week’s Torah reading God commands: