Little Rock City Attorney Tom Carpenter, in a memo addressed to the mayor and city board this week, said his office plans to try to end a lawsuit over the historic Pike-Fletcher-Terry House with a pleading that would officially return the property to the plaintiffs.
Pulaski County Circuit Judge Cara Connors at a hearing on Wednesday granted a motion to dismiss the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Foundation from litigation over the condition of the Pike-Fletcher-Terry House but denied a motion to dismiss the museum itself as a defendant.
Pulaski County Circuit Judge Cara Connors at a hearing Wednesday morning granted a motion to dismiss the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Foundation from litigation over the condition of the Pike-Fletcher-Terry House but denied a motion to dismiss the museum itself as a defendant.
The city of Little Rock has spent less than 5% of a $500,000 allocation the city Board of Directors approved late last year that was meant to fund repairs to the Pike-Fletcher-Terry House, a spokesman for Mayor Frank Scott Jr. said.