From the jungle of Vietnam to the floor of the Colorado Senate, Jim Dyer is being remembered as a dynamic and caring man of character.
The self-described “poet/warrior,” decorated Marine, former stat.
The Durango Herald won 24 press awards in this year’s Top of the Rockies journalism contest, including awards for photography, feature writing and social justice reporting.
The contest was sponsor.
In 2022, trustees of the Ballantine Family Fund donated a record-breaking $334,500 to nonprofit organizations in Southwest Colorado through a quarterly grant application process, as well as additional.
Dear readers,
Today is the last day the Weekend Edition of The Durango Herald will be published on Saturday.
Next weekend, the Herald will begin publishing on Sunday. Look for the first issue on Oct. .
Beginning Sunday, Oct. 23, The Durango Herald’s weekend edition will be published Sunday rather than Saturday.
With the change, print papers will be published Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
Numerous re.