Would want to take advantage of. Supervisors farrell . Supervisor mark farrell thank you. I want to thank you for your hard work. In terms of this legislation, very conflicting points of view of view from my perspective and i hear from my neighbors and other neighbors in the city that there are people already living in these units. I will say out right that i disagree with parts of this legislation particularly with the cost past through and the mergers and the ability or lack thereof. In court what has been in my head is what we are doing principally to talk about by supervisor yee and tang and i appreciate supervisor wiener for taking out some of that language. I do know we see families leaving and we have families that cannot afford to stay here and there are families looking for certain kinds of stock in this city. If this does too well that we start to lose our pure single families in our neighborhood. The beauty in our city is about our neighborhoods and diversity of our differen
What i dont want to do as i want to echo, we want to legalize units. If they think this is a pilot that is going to end in 2 weeks or a year, they may not want to get involved now. We want to make it available in the market ofn terms of whats permissible. Im open to that if you would like to see that happen. Supervisor yee . Supervisor norman yee i want to thank you for that offer. My main concern is for the project to have a real check in to see what is we are having. Thats why when i say 50, depending on the motivations of individuals who are in this situation. It could happen in 2 months or it may not happen for 10 years in terms of people wanting to take advantage of this legislation. If supervisor chiu can do check ins, im willing to withdraw my amendment. Supervisors campos . Supervisor david campos thank you. Its been a very interesting discussion. I want to thank supervisor chiu and yee for all the work gone into this. I do support this legislation. Let me say that i support it
Property owner decides they no longer want to rent a unit out anymore, they would have to go through this entire planning process to remerge their units back to Single Family homes and go through mandatory discretionary review process and that will cost lots of money and we have seen many hurdles. When we talk about the sunset district, we are talking about Single Family homes, a very personal space and not giving them the flexibility to decide and decide that i want to continue on as a Single Family home. I do agree that they are out there and they exist and we must do something to address them. There have been a number of issues that i have not seen addressed in this legislation that gives me pause. So with all of that said, our office has been working with Planning Department to figure out how it is to increase the number of Housing Units in district 4, its equally challenging conversation and equally hard to figure out what the incentives will be and that is a conversation we are t