Richard Swart, Community Affairs Coordinator
The Oregon Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, efficient transportation system. ODOT invests in Oregon’s future through roadway improvement projects. The following projects are located within ODOT’s Region 4 encompassing Central Oregon from The Dalles to Klamath Falls on the east side of the Cascades.
All work is dependent on weather conditions, and schedules are subject to change.
Crook County
Deschutes County
U.S. 97: S Century Drive to USFS border (MP 153.11-MP 156.26) No project work expected this week.
Harney/Lake counties
US395: Big Stick – Alkali Lake, Lakeview, Lakeview-Burns Highway (MP 15.43- MP46.93. Work is scheduled to start in April 2021.
NeighborImpact seeks applicants for Home Weatherization
Central Oregon NeighborImpact currently has funds provided by USDA available for weatherizing homes in Jefferson County, with additional funding from NeighborWorks America for weatherizing homes in rural communities outside of Bend and Redmond.
NeighborImpact’s Weatherization program provides free weatherization services which can include adding insulation, sealing leaky ducts and repairing heating systems for income-qualified clients. Weatherization staff conduct an on-site energy audit, evaluating and documenting the existing condition of the home. This information is then used to determine which measures will save the most money on the home’s utility bills.
Clients can be renters or homeowners and live in mobile homes or stick built homes. Manufactured homes must be on a permanent foundation.
Richard Swart, Community Affairs Coordinator
The Oregon Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, efficient transportation system. ODOT invests in Oregon’s future through roadway improvement projects. The following projects are located within ODOT’s Region 4 encompassing Central Oregon from The Dalles to Klamath Falls on the east side of the Cascades.
All work is dependent on weather conditions, and schedules are subject to change.
Crook County
U.S. 26: Prineville Rails to Trails, Ochoco Highway, MP 19.4-MP19.7) Knife River will be performing earth work and grading activities throughout the week. No impacts to traffic are anticipated.