Friday, January 8, 2021
Four candidates are seeking three seats on the Lewes Board of Public Works in the Saturday, May 8 election. Each seat carries a three-year term. Running for seats are incumbents Robert Kennedy, Tom Panetta and Robert Kennedy, and challenger Richard Nichols. Each candidate was asked by the Cape Gazette to answer the same questions about topics important to ratepayers.
Biographical information
Robert Kennedy: I was born and raised in Lewes, and resided in Lewes until I entered on active duty with the U.S. Army. After completing my military obligation, I returned to Lewes and worked at Fish Products Company as its assistant comptroller until the company was sold in 1974. I then spent 21 years as executive director of the Delaware Public Service Commission, where I was responsible for running the daily operations of the division and ensuring utility applications were reviewed for compliance with Delaware law. After leaving state service, I spent 15 years wit