The basic problem is really coming up with a bill that will able to get a majority of support within the house and senate and it seems to me that i think they may be getting close to that. As far as getting a more privatestyle of management, it is the sort of a tough not the they are trying to crack. They have several layers now at the Postal Service. I think what they are trying to do in the house bill is to create the idea that you have more of a private the best type of group of managers that could come in within a couple of years if the financial problems are not resolved by the steps that would be prescribed by the legislation that would perhaps be in the future something that would happen. Host the caller mentioned about unions do union see that as a way of breaking up the unions . Guest certainly, there has been there is a lot of pressure on to reduce the size of the workforce. They have about 500,000 workers. What is in the legislation is in sentence, payments, that would be ma