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A hotly contested byelection for the Chilliwack school board attracted a large voter turnout and results see-sawed between the two top contenders before the progressive candidate won by more than 650 votes.
Carin Bondar, a university biologist and science communicator who in 2014 copied a sexy video by pop star Miley Cyrus singing in the nude to make a point about natural selection won the byelection Saturday. She got more than 5,455 votes, just over half of the 10,710 total cast.
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Try refreshing your browser, or Progressive wins Chilliwack school board byelection after divisive campaign Back to video
Chilliwack school board byelection a litmus test for the community
Most byelections for a single school board trustee position don t generate much controversy but most school boards aren t Chilliwack.
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One candidate says it s a fight between the two sides, but vote splitting is a possibility
Posted: Feb 11, 2021 4:00 AM PT | Last Updated: February 11
Chilliwack s Board of Education from left: trustee David Swankey, trustee Heather Maahs, trustee Darrell Furgason, former board chair Dan Coulter, board chair Willow Reichelt, board vice-chair Jared Mumford and trustee Barry Neufeld.(Chilliwack School District)