With holidays on both sides of the court schedule, Monroe County Criminal Court sandwiched both November and December hearings into a two week period, hearing guilty pleas and handing down
Author and writer Kevin O Hara of Pittsfield talks about the experiences that led him to become the author of three books all based on his personal journeys.
Thu, 04/15/2021 - 12:00am
Lori Taylor | Circulation & Columnist
Barber shops hold a special place in American culture with the red, white and blue striped barber poles, and the straight razor shaves. They hold a nostalgic experience with the smell and cool burn of aftershave and the sound of the brush clinking in the shaving mug as it lathers up the cream for the next client. Traditional barber shops like these are a dying breed, but not here in Olney, Texas.
Richard Nunley, owner and sole barber of Richard’s Barber Shop, has been cutting hair longer than most of us have been alive. Originally taught by his grandfather while still in junior high, he had long since before then been submersed in the beauty shop scene thanks to his mother – who owned and worked at Dimples Beauty Shop until her eyesight forced her into retirement.