It started when Lauren Plymale, a Cabell County assistant prosecutor, reached out to her state senator, Bob Plymale (D-Wayne). Something was off. The VOCA (Victims of Crime Act) funding from
CHARLESTON – The state Senate has passed a bill to create an intermediate court of appeals.
Senate Bill 275 passed by a 19-15 vote February 24. It now heads to the House of Delegates, where a similar bill was voted down by a slim margin as the legislative session drew to a close. Such legislation has been introduced numerous times in recent years, but none of the bills have reached the governor’s desk.
Four Republicans – Amy Grady, Bill Hamilton, Patrick Martin and David Stover – joined Democrats to vote against the bill. It now heads to the House of Delegates for consideration, where similar efforts to create an intermediate court system have died in recent years.
State Sen. Mike Romano (D-Harrison) | West Virginia Legislature photo
CHARLESTON The state Senate has passed a bill that would provide immunity from civil litigation regarding COVID-19 matters.
The COVID-19 Jobs Protection Act, or Senate Bill 277, passed the Senate by a 25-9 vote February 19. The bill now heads to the House of Delegates.
The bill would be retroactive to January 1, 2020. It also would allow for workers’ compensation claims to be filed related to the pandemic. Mani
The vote closely followed party line. Democratic Senators Mike Woelfel (D-Cabell) and Robert Plymale (D-Wayne) were the two who broke party lines and voted in favor of passage.