Central Lakes College in Minnesota has a law enforcement training course that teaches young recruits to respond to emergency and nonemergency calls for service. This includes traffic enforcement dutie,Features
The annual meeting of the Aitkin FFA Alumni Association was held on Sept. 10 at the Aitkin City Park. President Tim Nies called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the secretary and treasurerâs report, Mr. Heimark gave his report on the Aitkin FFA Chapter. Heimark reported that due to Covid-19 restrictions, most FFA activities are on hold at this time. Fundraisers are on hold also. CDEâs ( Career Development Experiences) will be on line for the participants this year. The Mille Lacs grant for $1000 was approved. The Aitkin FFA Alumni plan to put an ad in the Aitkin County Plat Book which is being sold by the Aitkin County 4-H group.                                   Â