(Springfield-jm) – When asked if the state would consider a supplemental appropriation to cover costs for migrants, Governor J.B. Pritzker says the Illinois government will continue to use taxp.
please, somewhere else. thank you for listening. [applause] good evening, my name is john frank. i am a music teacher at hoover middle school but i m here in support of the reinstating the lincoln high school music program. we are just very, very upset that the principal at lincoln, and i will quote him, had promised us that he would reinstate the music program after one year of it being reconstituted. this is a quote. i believe this is from mr. pane. yet i believe we share the same concerns about art education this is in response to my colleague dan ryan who passed away a few months ago i believe we share the same concerns about arts education at lincoln and in the district in general. as i mentioned, it is the top priority of the school community to restore the instrumental music program at lincoln by the fall of 2001. that didn t happen. and i have names of kids who would like to continue in music. a student at washington high school collected on his own. so, please,
to get started for the regular meeting of the brd of education of the san francisco unified school district, may 10, 2011, is now called to order. president mendoza will be with us in a second. she s getting some things but we want to get started. roll call please? clerk: ms. fewer? ms. maufas, dr. murase, ms. norton? ms. wynns, thank you, mr. yee? ms. mendoza, ms. fan, ms. creer? if you d like to please join us for a pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] vice president yee: there s no approval of minutes, o.k. so we re going to start with item a, approval of board minutes, there are none tonight. b, presentations to the board of education superintendent s report. superintendent garcia. superintendent garcia: thank you, good evening. it seems ironic with all the activity and we want to salute and give a shout out to all of our employees who went to sacramento to stand up for children and i think we really want to recognize their endeavors to go there because that s a
ms. wynns, thank you, mr. yee? ms. mendoza, ms. fan, ms. creer? if you d like to please join us for a pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] vice president yee: there s no approval of minutes, o.k. so we re going to start with item a, approval of board minutes, there are none tonight. b, presentations to the board of education superintendent s report. superintendent garcia. superintendent garcia: thank you, good evening. it seems ironic with all the activity and we want to salute and give a shout out to all of our employees who went to sacramento to stand up for children and i think we really want to recognize their endeavors to go there because that s a lot to do and they re fighting a good fight and it seems ironic that while we re making these cuts and talking about these horrible things throughout the state that tomorrow, may 11, we celebrate both california day of the teacher and national school nurse day. i ve always said that in education, the most important th
yet i believe we share the same concerns about art education this is in response to my colleague dan ryan who passed away a few months ago i believe we share the same concerns about arts education at lincoln and in the district in general. as i mentioned, it is the top priority of the school community to restore the instrumental music program at lincoln by the fall of 2001. that didn t happen. and i have names of kids who would like to continue in music. a student at washington high school collected on his own. so, please, this is really not fair to all our kids at lincoln and all the kids who are matriculating into lincoln from the other middle schools. it s an equity issue. we do need to have a sequential arts program. thank you very much. [applause] [instrumental music]. good afternoon, my name is martin areola and i m a junior at lincoln high school. sadly, this year as well as next year i will not be able to participate in any music program at my high school. me, a