enterprise rather than as a banking, rather than as a government institution. did i hear you correctly there? yes. did you volunteer to be part of that conversation? yes, i me and lots of other folks will do whatever you want. we ll even get apartments down there, let s go through in detail. we spoke to lots of people. wow, so the wolf that eats up the chickens is the one who protects the eggs. so here we are, nearly four years after the worst economic crash since the great depression, and nothing has changed when it comes to accountability. it was almost four years ago when the ceo of lehman brothers, richard fold, sat before congress to push the blame around. lehman brothers was one of the major culprits of the supreme lending crisis, the subprime lending crisis. today we had perhaps the nation s most powerful banking ceo take a browbeating from some democrats and heaps of praise from republicans. but there s no indication jpmorgan or any other bank will end the derivativ
in january itron competed for and won its own manufacturing tax credit. it s using that tax credit to meet that new demand adding production lines at its plants in minnesota where itxd has hir 40 new workers, south carolina, where it s hired 120 new workers. carla and james morris are here. these are two of the workers who have just been hired. james, a native of the county recently found himself laid off from a local plant after punching in for 28 years. today he and his wife angela work there to forge a clean energy future for their daughter. david, president and ceo of a 12, produces batteries for energy storage on vehicles.
their sides. i want to go back to kendrick meek. we can t conclude he will be the person who win the democratic primary. it appears to be the case. there s another name that popped up regarding the democrats. there s a guy named jeff green, substantial amount of money. he announced today he ll join the democratic primary. obviously he has a lot of money. he can play expensive ad markets places like miami, orlando, st. petersburg. he has an interesting history. mike tyson was the best man at his wedding. indeed. which was interesting. he s palled around with interesting folks. the opposition researchers will be big bo him, tamron. back, of course, to the headline, charlie crist. the miami herald named him the independent man. morning joe, the team, they were talking about that really, that s a huge market, to have that headline, independent man may prove some people side with
executives underwent an 11 hour grilling by members of congress. accusing ceo of lehman brothers accused of pocketing much more money before the firm collapsed than he told congress. lisa myers talked to that whistleblower. we re not talking about a couple of hundred dollar difference here. reporter: these kind of figures are going to make people upset. the issue is simple. did the ceo of lehman brothers tell the truth when he testified under oath before congress about how much money he walked away with before his company collapsed. during the two years of the financial crisis reporter: before goldman sachs executives became the arch villains of the financial crisis there was this man, richard fold, the former ceo of lehman brothers. lehman brothers went bankrupt in september 2008 almost taking the entire economy with it. the next month fold was hauled
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