Lateness is a common issue with NightRide, likely because the shuttle allows for personalization when dropping people off, which makes predicting the shuttle’s precise schedule difficult.
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Supporting talented students with ATLAS PhD Grant The 2021 ATLAS PhD Grant award ceremony. From left to right: (top) Peter Jenni, Richa Nevatia and Matteo Castoldi; (middle) Alexandre Zeller, Humphry Tlou and Ana Luisa Carvalho; (bottom) Charlotte Warakaulle, Josefina Alconada and Mihai Nasulea. (Image: CERN)
The ATLAS PhD Grant is a flagship programme of the CERN & Society Foundation. It was established in 2013 by former ATLAS spokespersons Fabiola Gianotti and Peter Jenni, using their award money from the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. In 2014, the first batch of students began their grant periods. Now in its eighth year, the ATLAS PhD Grant relies on private contributions through the CERN & Society Foundation to continue its legacy.