70 billion for improved shipping waterways. we can create up to 15 million decent paying jobs. democrats hope it will appeal to president trump. we call on the president to persuade his republican colleagues in the house and senate to drop their opposition to investing in infrastructure and get on board with this plan. democrats plan for federal spending faces huge resistance. republican senate majority leader which mcconnell doused icewater on the plan. i don t think we ought to borrow almost a trillion dollars, incurred a lot of additional debt, and don t build any projects. the president s plan is expected to offer tax credits to businesses. they have said the white house
70 billion for improved shipping waterways. we can create up to 15 million decent paying jobs. democrats hope it will appeal to president trump. we call on the president to persuade his republican colleagues in the house and senate to drop their opposition to investing in infrastructure and get on board with this plan. democrats plan for federal spending faces huge resistance. republican senate majority leader which mcconnell doused icewater on the plan. i don t think we ought to borrow almost a trillion dollars, incurred a lot of additional debt, and don t build any projects. the president s plan is expected to offer tax credits to businesses. they have said the white house