Movie director and producer of Malawi’s film Fatsani, Hastings Golosi is set to tell his story and learn on branding at the virtual 2021 International Conference of Stars in which he has been invited as one of the keynote speakers scheduled for September 17-19. The International Conference of Stars is an annual virtual global summit […]
Exotic Metal Found to Exhibit Giant Hall Effect Without any Magnetic Field
Written by AZoMFeb 23 2021
A magnetic field can deflect an electric current. In the case of conducting materials, this results in what is called the Hall effect, which is usually used to quantify magnetic fields.
The material behaves as if magnetic monopoles were present. Image Credit: TU Wien.
Scientists at TU Wien, working with researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), McMaster University (Canada) and Rice University (United States), have now achieved a fascinating discovery: an exotic metal composed of cerium, palladium and bismuth was investigated and the material was found to produce a giant Hall effect, in the complete absence of any magnetic field.
Electric current is deflected by a magnetic field - this leads to the so-called Hall effect. A surprising discovery has now been made at TU Wien: an exotic metal was examined and a giant Hall effect was found to be produced by the material, in the total absence of any magnetic field.