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People's tastes in food vary. A survey from The Vacationer says almost a third of Americans don't like turkey, cranberries or yams. We surveyed some of the staff at iHeartMedia Houston and here's a sampling of the least favorite Thanksgiving offerings.
People's tastes in food vary. A survey from The Vacationer says almost a third of Americans don't like turkey, cranberries or yams. We surveyed some of the staff at iHeartMedia Houston and here's a sampling of the least favorite Thanksgiving offerings.
contain that spill is growing as small clumps of tar are beginning to wash up on alabama s dauphin island, believed to be right from the oil spill. kristen dahlgren is live for us. with a good morning, this new problem trying to contain the gushing oil is what? just not working? is it the temperature? all of the above? reporter: all of the above. we talked about how this was a long shot but so many people were really hoping that this would be the fix and, so far at least, it s not. they lowered that 100-ton containment dome down on top of the leak. what happened at that depth the water is so cold that the mix of oil and gas and water began to form these hydrates, essentially a slushy ice mixture, and that inside the box floated up to the top, making the box more buoyant, which would be a problem, and floated up to where they were going to connect that pipe to start to siphon the oil up to the surface so they had to then lift the box off of the