San Diego Comic-Con may be the world s best known comic book convention. But there is only one of it. While ReedPOP has big shows around the globe, such
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On April 8, 2021, Marc Lieberstein participated in a panel for the Cardozo School of Law FAME (Fashion, Arts, Media and Entertainment) Law Center titled “Crown Jewels - The Power of Brand Licensing and Collaborations in the Fashion and Entertainment Industries.” Barbara Kolsun, Cardozo’s Professor of Practice and Director/founder of FAME, introduced the program, and Professor Sherry Jetter moderated the panel. Marc’s co-panelists were Jay Dubiner, General Counsel at Authentic Brands Group; Avery Fischer, EVP and General Counsel at Ralph Lauren; Michael Neuman, Vice President, Legal Affairs at Marquee Brands; and Ricardo Yoselevitz, Vice President, Brand Partnerships and Business Development, IMG. The program discussed how licensing has become a crucial growth engine for the fashion and entertainment industries and how licensing collaborations have helped brands achieve market power and increase brand value.