The government s current consultation on toilets, entitled Toilet provision for men and women: call for evidence, places the provision of gender-neutral desegregated facilities and the safety of trans and gender non-conforming people who rely on them, under threat.
This consultation is dog-whistle politics, motivated not by improving access to public toilets, but in suppressing the rights of trans and gender non-conforming people. From the government s pitiful reform of the Gender Recognition Act in 2020, to the recent high court ruling to restrict children under 16 from accessing puberty-blocking drugs, it is yet another attack in the on-going culture war that seeks to dehumanise and remove trans people from public life.
Architects should oppose plans to change toilet design rules Digital Edition: Architects should oppose plans to change toilet design rules Plans to steer Building Regulations towards segregated WCs are an attack on trans rights, writes UVW-SAW’s Tatiana Whiting
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