night. moore was diagnosed with diabetes. i want to play a classic clip about spunk. watch. you know what? you ve got spunk. well i hate spunk. yeah, you mentioned mary tyler moore with her producer, grant tinker started mtm productions behind shows like hill street blues and rhoda. mary tyler moore started in movies like ordinary people for which she was nominated with an oscar. the same year, moore dealt with her own family when her son richard died from a gunshot wound to the head. it was later ruled to be accidental. mary tyler moore went on to talk about her years long battle with alcoholism and how she voluntarily entered the betty ford center. in 2011, moore had elective
sitcoms died today. she was 80. in the 70s, she created one of tv s first career sitcom heroins in the mary tyler moore show. she won seven emmys. the new york times says today she incarnated the modern woman on television and as people magazine puts it, not only was a beautiful brunette with the big brown eyes and distinctive voice assert a certifiable legend. she was a big proponent of animal rights and juvenile diabetes research. she was responsible for landmark shows like rhoda , the bob newhart show , lou graham and
i went as somebody s guest. why do you think it s such a winner? i think because of the casting. and i think because of the writing. they don t sacrifice the character for the sake of a good joke. that effort to keep the female sensibility is what made it authentic and good. people would say you re just like me and my girlfriends. how can you gorge yourself like that and stay so skinny? i m going crazy with hunger. well, eat something. i can t. i have to lose 10 pounds by 8:30. pretty soon the head of network at the time said, valerie, listen, i m going to spin you off. and i thought, oh my god, i m fired. because spin-off is a term that was originated in the 70s. we re going to start living together we ve got to tell each other everything. okay, joe. i want to be married. rhoda and joe s wedding became a huge national event. 52 million people tuned in to
see that. suddenly rhoda is in a happy relationship. they didn t know what to do with that. then they had to have her get divorced to try to reboot the show. why did you marry me? just answer me that. why did you marry me? you made me marry you. i feel so funny. it s a matter of trust. oh, she s not going to do it. where does that leave us, where do we go from here? that we ll have to discuss at future sessions. the 70s also had this therapeutic overlay. hi, bob. hi, bob. hi, bob. hello? we decided to make him a psychologist. we seem to have run out of things to say. why don t we pray? let s pray for the end of this session. i didn t know anything about therapy prior to that. i m from the planet bluthar. it s in the galoo galaxy. how how long you going to be in town? i didn t want to do a show, where are your children?
casting. and i think because of the writing. they don t sacrifice the character for the sake of a good joke. that effort to keep the female sensibility is what made it authentic and good. people would say you re just like me and my girlfriends how can you gorge yourself like that and stay so skinny? i m going crazy with hunger. well, eat something. i can t. i have to lose 10 pound by 8:30. pretty soon the head of network at the time said, valerie, listen, i m going to spin you off. and i thought, oh my god, i m fired. because spin-off is a term that was originated in the 70s. if women start living together we ve got to tell each other everything. okay, joe. i want to be married. rhoda and joe s wedding became a huge national event. 52 million people tuned in to see that. suddenly rhoda is in a happy relationship. they didn t know what to do with that. then they had to have her get divorced to try to reboot the