Reviewed by Tony Cummings
The vast majority of artists from the Roman Catholic Church who have recorded music down the years have had to rely on support solely from their own particular denomination to build a ministry but like John Michael Talbot before him, Canada s Matt Maher has shown that songwriting craftsmanship and the avoidance of contentious theological issues can occasionally win American Christian radio support. Matt has already enjoyed considerable success with several of his modern worship songs and this new album is in many ways certain to expand his popularity. At least six of the songs here draw their inspiration from particular figures from the history of the Church including Sons And Daughters (Martin Luther King Jr), Firelight (Mother Theresa), Instrument (St Francis of Assisi), A Future Not My Own (Archbishop Oscar Romero) and Everything Is Grace (St Therese). Maher wrote Sons And Daughters with Jason Ingram and Ike Ndolo and it s a triumphant evocat