More connections between Germany s major cities and more night trains: The timetable change in December will bring noticeably more services for passengers traveling by train. That doesn’t mean it will be more punctual - even though it will get more expensive.
For the last time this year, those looking for a bargain can stroll through the flea market in the Rheinaue. Music lovers can enjoy the Klangwelle event in Bad Neuenahr. Children can try out their skills as agents and directors at the Museum Experience Day. These and other tips for the weekend in Bonn and the region can be found here.
In Berlin’s Westhafen, the Mayor of Berlin Franziska Giffey named the push boat ELEKTRA! After almost two years of construction at shipyard Hermann Barthel GmbH in Derben and the transfer to the Westhafen in Berlin, the long-term testing of this unique, innovative and emission-free push boat begins. Petra Cardinal, Managing Director of BEHALA, welcomed around .